Peer Gynts in Larantuka, the first phase of Multitude of Peer Gynts project was held for two weeks from June 23rd to July 6th, 2019, in East Flores, Indonesia. The first phase was about collective research and exchanges on the issue of fear and anxiety within the context of mobility and immobility of the contemporary world, using Ibsen’s Peer Gynt as the dramaturgical platform. Within two weeks, all the key artist-collaborator of the project from Teater Garasi-Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, came together in East Flores to have some field trips to several social-cultural sites around the island and also to have a collaboration with 10 East Flores artists. As a result of the two-week collective research and exchanges, we managed to create a work-in-progress presentation that we performed on the beach, in Larantuka’s city park, East Flores, on July 6th, 2019. Peer Gynts in Larantuka was supported by the Japan Foundation-Asia Center, East Flores local government, Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF), and Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.




Collaborating Artist:
Aloysius Wadan Gawang (East Flores, performer)
Arsita Iswardhani (Yogyakarta, performer)
Beatrix Tukan (East Flores, perancang kostum)
Dominikus Dei (East Flores, performer-vocalist)
Ignatius Sugiarto (Yogyakarta, lighting designer-technical director)
Inno Koten (East Flores, co-director, performer)
Lidvina Lito Kellen (East Flores, performer-vocalist)
Magdalena Oa Eda Tukan (East Flores, performer)
Micari Fukui (Japan, performer)
MN Qomaruddin (Jakarta, performer)
Nguyen Manh Hung (Vietnam, visual artist)
Philipus Tukan (East Flores, performer)
Rusmin Kopong Hoda (East Flores, performer-musician)
Silvester Petara Hurit (East Flores, co-dramaturg, performer)
Stanley Tukan (East Flores, stage designer assistant)
Takao Kawaguchi (Japan, choreographer-performer)
Venuri Perera (Sri Lanka, choreographer-performer)
Veronika Ratumakin (East Flores, performer)
Yasuhiro Morinaga (Japan, composer)


Yudi Ahmad Tajudin – director, producer
Ugoran Prasad – dramaturg, play writer, producer
Rama Thaharani – executive director
Lusia Neti Cahyani – production manager
Andry Sola – stage assistant
Aura Alifa Asmaradana – publicist
Jean-Pascal Elbaz – LO, interpreter
Tomomi Yokosuka – Japanese interpreter
Takdir – field coordinator
Shohifur Ridho Ilahi – graphic designer


Produced by:
Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute


Department of Culture and Tourism East Flores Municipal Office